CMW International Conference
CMW International Conference


CMW International Conference

We host annual conferences in one of our members’ country to connect with our global members and exchange valuable insights.

About the Conference

Donor Trust and Participation

BBB Wise Giving Alliance hosted the event Donor Trust and Participation at the Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice in New York City, in March 2024.

This short video includes the highlights from the panel discussions and presentations. Each speaker brought important insights about the generosity crisis and the way forward. 

Below you will find the links to the videos of all the presentations and panel discussions. 

Conference Details

Date: New York, USA | March 21, 2024
Hosted by: BBB Wise Giving Alliance

Ford Foundation. 320 East 43rd Street, 10017

Conference Itinerary

Thursday, March 21st


Welcome remarks 

Is the donor participation crisis an “American issue” or does the issue stretch globally? 

  • Burkhard Wilke, Chief Executive Officer, DZI (German Central Institute for Social Issues)
  • Javier Garcia Gutierrez, Executive Director, Confio (Building Transparent Civil Organizations in Mexico)
  • Ana Benavides, Executive Director, Fundación Lealtad (Spanish charity evaluator) 
  • Moderator: Jon Bergdoll, Associate Director of Data Partnerships, Statistician for Giving USA

The need for broad and pluralistic support. 

  • Jane Wales, VP of the Aspen Institute and Executive Director of the 
  • Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation at the Aspen Institute. Serves as Co-Chair of the Generosity Commission.
  • Paige Rice, Senior Associate of Research, Hattaway Communications 

Keynote: Asha Curran, Chief Executive Officer, Giving Tuesday 


Communicating impact across donor segments

  • Brady Josephson, VP of Marketing and Growth at Charity: water 
  • Patrick Greene, Artistic and Creative Specialist at Oxfam America
  • Molly Kellog, Senior MEAL Advisor for Climate Justice at Oxfam America
  • Julia Ritz Toffoli, Principal Behavioral Designer, ideas42
  • Moderator: Barbara O’Reilly, Founder and Principal, Windmill Hill Consulting


Creating Community

  • Sara Lomelin, Chief Executive Officer, Philanthropy Together (under Global Impact on Giving Circles)
  • Kim Slone, Executive Vice President, Development & Community Health, American Heart Association
  • Nathan Chapell, Senior VP, Donor Search AI (on how AI can help (or hurt) charity efforts to build community around their cause or organization)

Closing remarks

Welcome remarks


  • Art Taylor – Art Taylor
    President & CEO of BBB Wise Giving Alliance


  • Ana Benavides – President of Charity Monitoring Worldwide 

Is the donor participation crisis an “American issue” or does the issue stretch globally? 

  • Burkhard Wilke, Chief Executive Officer, DZI (German Central Institute for Social Issues)
  • Javier Garcia Gutierrez, Executive Director, Confio (Building Transparent Civil Organizations in Mexico)
  • Ana Benavides, Executive Director, Fundación Lealtad (Spanish charity evaluator) 
  • Moderator: Jon Bergdoll, Associate Director of Data Partnerships, Statistician for Giving USA

The need for broad and pluralistic support. 

  • Jane Wales, VP of the Aspen Institute and Executive Director of the 
  • Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation at the Aspen Institute. Serves as Co-Chair of the Generosity Commission.
  • Paige Rice, Senior Associate of Research, Hattaway Communications 

Keynote: Asha Curran, Chief Executive Officer, Giving Tuesday

Communicating impact across donor segments

  • Brady Josephson, VP of Marketing and Growth at Charity: water 
  • Patrick Greene, Artistic and Creative Specialist at Oxfam America
  • Molly Kellog, Senior MEAL Advisor for Climate Justice at Oxfam America
  • Julia Ritz Toffoli, Principal Behavioral Designer, ideas42
  • Moderator: Barbara O’Reilly, Founder and Principal, Windmill Hill Consulting

Creating Community

  • Sara Lomelin, Chief Executive Officer, Philanthropy Together (under Global Impact on Giving Circles)
  • Kim Slone, Executive Vice President, Development & Community Health, American Heart Association
  • Nathan Chapell, Senior VP, Donor Search AI (on how AI can help (or hurt) charity efforts to build community around their cause or organization)

Featured Speakers

Ana Benavides

CEO of Fundación Lealtad and president of Charity Monitoring Worldwide

Asha Curran

CEO of GivingTuesday

Barbara O’Reilly, CFRE

Principal, Windmill Hill Consulting

Jon Bergdoll

Associate Director of Data Partnerships at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University

Brady Josephson

VP of Marketing & Growth at charity:water

Burkhard Wilke

Executive Director of the German Central Institute for social Issues

Jane Wales

Vice President of the Aspen Institute

Julia Ritz Toffoli

Principal Behavioral Designer ideas42 on the Giving Team

Kim Slone

Executive Vice President for Development and Community Health at The American Heart Association.

Nathan Chappell

Leader, public speaker, inventor and award-winning author

Paige Rice


Sara Lomelin

CEO of Philanthropy Together

Discover more

Previous CMW Conferences

2011 Zurich, Switzerland

Global Charity Trends: Challenges for National Monitoring Organizations

May 20, 2011

Hosted by: Zewo Foundation, the ICFO member organization from Switzerland.

Venue: Volkshaus, Zurich


We focus on global trends in the charity sector and the challenges involved for national monitoring organizations: New fundraising channels based on internet-technology, mobile phones and apps are coming up. At the same time, international NGOs develop fundraising activities in different local markets. More and more charities need to prove that they are transparent and accountable for what they do. What do donors, development agencies and NGOs in this context expect from national monitoring organizations?

Welcome – Trix Heberlein, President of the Board of Zewo Foundation, Switzerland


Panel Discussion: Challengens for Monitoring Charities – Moderator: John Pellowe, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC), Canada

  • Adri Kemps, General Secretary, International Committee on Fundraising Organizations (ICFO)
  • John Low, Chief Executive, Charities Aid Foundation ( CAF)
  • Caroline Morel, Executive Director, Swissaid
  • Ruerd Ruben, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands
  • Konrad Specker, Head Institutional Partnerships, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Martina Ziegerer, Executive Director, Stiftung Zewo

Closing Remarks – Rollin van Broekhoven, President of ICFO

2010 Toronto, Canada

ICFO Conference

May 14, 2010

Hosted by: Canadian Coucile of Christian Charities CCCC, the ICFO member from Canada and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OECE).

Venue: Bingeman’s Conference Centre, Kitchener, Waterloo Region / Toronto


  • Rev. John Pellowe, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Coucil of Christian Charities, CCCC
  • Rollin von Broekhoven, President ICFO


Afternoon: Transparency and Effectiveness. Where is the Donor’s Money going?

Session 1: Transparency – Moderator: Reinhard Uhrig, Action against Terrorism Unit (ATU) OSCE Secretariat, Austria

Session 2: Effectiveness

Wrap-up and Closing Remarks – Rollin van Broekhoven, President ICFO

2009 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Building Donor Trust in Cross-Border Philanthropy – Transparency by International Fundraising NGOs

April 24, 2009

Hosted by: Central Bureau Fondsenwerving (CBF), the ICFO member organization from the Netherlands and the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam.

Venue: Chamber of Commerce, Amsterdam

Working Conference

Round table discussion: Mechanisms to strengthen donors’ trust

Moderator: Burkhard Wilke, Secretary General of ICFO

Public Part

Panel discussion with questions & answers

Moderator: Adri Kemps, Director CBF

  • Closing remarks – Burkhard Wilke, Secretary General ICFO

2008 Berlin, Germany

Engaging Donor’s Trust – 50 Years of Informed Trust

May 16, 2008

Hosted by: Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen (DZI) and the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK)

Venue: Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Berlin

Welcome and Opening Speeches

  • Ingrid Stahmer, Chairperson DZI
  • Rollin van Broekhoven, President ICFO
  • Niels Lund Chrestensen, Vice President DIHK
  • Axel Nawrath, State Secretary, German Federal Ministry of Finance


Round Table Discussion

Monitoring Charities in the 21st Century – Jos Zwartjes, Moderator

  • Helmut Anheier
  • Diana Aviv
  • Andreas Ortmann
  • Martina Ziegerer, Board Member ICFO

Wrap-up and Closing Remarks

  • Rollin van Broekhoven, President ICFO
  • Burkhard Wilke, Secretary General ICFO

2007 Milano, Italy

Transparency and Independent Monitoring – Enhancing Trust in NPOs in the Global Environment

April 27, 2007

Hosted by: Instituto Italiano della Donazione IID, the ICFO member organization from Italy.

Venue: Assolombarda Auditorium, Milano


  • Transparency and integrity for the civil economy development. The strategy of the new Agenzia per le Onlus –Stefano Zamagni, Presidente Agenzia delle Onlus/NPO, Government Agency Chairperson
  • ICFO mission and new challenges – Burkhard Wilke, Secretary General ICFO
  • Independent monitoring and stakeholder representation – Lorenzo Sacconi, Director of Econometica, Trento University, Italy
  • Outcome Evaluation: Social Reporting of NPO – Gionvanni Stiz, Partner Seneca sri, Italy
  • “Giving Europe” – Establishing European charitable statistics – Theo N.M. Schuyt, Professor Philanthropic Studies, Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • New European Fundraising Standards (EFA) – Beatrice Lentati, Director EFA, European Fundraising Association, and Chairperson ASSIF, Italian
  • Fundraisers Association. The new International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGO) Accountability Charter – Burkhard Gnaerig, Director Berlin Civil Society Center
  • Ratings and direct comparisons. When are they useful? Donors social rating. Italian case histories –Davide Dal Maso, Head of SRI, Avanz SRI, Research / Vigeo
  • USA best practices – Rollin van Broekhoven, President of ICFO

Who We Are

Established in 1958, Charity Monitoring Worldwide is a global authority on charity accountability, devoted to fostering donor trust and upholding the ethical use of donations through rigorous standards and monitoring.